Finance Directorate
The Finance Directorate controls and manage the finances of the University and determine matters on the financial administration of the University. |
Responsible for the financial administration of the University in accordance with the Public Financial Management Regulatory Framework, Financial and Stores Regulations and other relevant policies. |
Responsible for the preparation of the annual operating budget of the University and Submit periodic reports to the Finance Committee. |
Manage and operate the University’s accounting system, so as to ensure the accountability of all officers transacting the business of the University, and facilitate the efficient discharge of such business. |
Exercise oversight responsibility for the accounting functions of other self-accounting and income-generating units of the University. |
Prepare monthly accounts in a form prescribed and time period set by the Controller and Accountant General in the Accounting Manual. |
Prepare financial statements in accordance with appropriate financial reporting standards and submit same to Council through the Finance Committee. |
Ensure the efficient and effective use of appropriations under the University’s control, within the ambit of government policy and in compliance with any enactment, Regulations or instructions issued under the authority of any enactment. |
Ensure the due and proper collection of government revenue collectable by the University within the terms of any enactment or of instructions issued or approved by the Controller and Accountant General or Council. |
Make payments for works, goods and services within the funds appropriated to the University, and in accordance with Public Financial Management Regulations, the Financial and Stores Regulations and any other enactment; |
Ensure the due and proper collection of government revenue collectable by the University within the terms of any enactment or of instructions issued or approved by the Controller and Accountant General or Council; |
Make payments for works, goods and services within the funds appropriated to the University, and in accordance with Public Financial Management Regulations, the Financial and Stores Regulations and any other enactment; |
Implement policies relating to accounting and financial control in the University; |
Liaise with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in respect of financial matters affecting the University; |
Receive and order the disbursement of any trust moneys for which the University has been appointed as administering authority by or under any enactment or agreement; |
Other Directorates
- Directorate of Works and Physical Development
- Directorate of Human Resources and Organisational Development
- International Programmes and Institutional Advancement
- Directorate of Information Communication Technology
- Directorate of Internal Audit
- Directorate of General Administration and Operations
- Directorate of University Relations
- Procurement Unit
- Academic Affairs Directorate
- Directorate of Quality Assurance and Promotion
- Finance Directorate
- University Health Services
- Sports Unit
- Legal Unit
- Student Affairs Office
- Examination & Records