Internal Audit Directorate
The Internal Audit Directorate is an independent, assurance and consulting unit under the Vice-Chancellor. It shall seek to enhance and protect corporate value through the provision of risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight. |
Responsible for the management of the internal audit activities of the University in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921), the Internal Audit Agency Act 2003 (Act 658) and relevant standards. |
Exercise professional and administrative supervision over staff under the Internal Audit Directorate to ensure that the internal control systems of the University are efficient and effective |
Responsible for the internal audit of the accounts and financial transactions of the University. |
Review and appraise, where necessary, the adequacy, soundness and applications of accounting, financial and operational controls in the University; |
Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management and governance process of the University and contribute to the improvement of that risk management |
Provide assurance on the efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the administration of the programmes and operations of the University; |
Ascertain the extent of compliance with established policies, plans and procedures, and appraise the quality of performance of those carrying out assigned |
Ascertain the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded against losses of all kinds; |
Vet all proposed expenditures to ensure compliance with laid-down internal control systems and other statutory requirements; |
Conduct periodic examination of the accounts of the University including the units with limited financial and operational autonomy; |
Monitor and ensure that all expenditure incurred have been authorised and are within budgetary provisions; |
Conduct periodic management audit and submit reports to the Vice-Chancellor and the Council; |
Other Directorates
- Directorate of Works and Physical Development
- Directorate of Human Resources and Organisational Development
- International Programmes and Institutional Advancement
- Directorate of Information Communication Technology
- Directorate of Internal Audit
- Directorate of General Administration and Operations
- Directorate of University Relations
- Procurement Unit
- Academic Affairs Directorate
- Directorate of Quality Assurance and Promotion
- Finance Directorate
- University Health Services
- Sports Unit
- Legal Unit
- Student Affairs Office
- Examination & Records